Monday 28 April 2014

Dr. Allen Nazeri – Emphasizing On the Importance of Dental Hygiene

Don’t we remember our parents telling us the importance of taking good care of our teeth, be brushing and flossing at least two times a week? You even must remember them telling you the harmful side-effects of eating too many sweets and chocolates. Often scolded by our parents, we all have still ignored the importance of maintaining the help of our teeth by avoiding sticky foods and brushing them a minimum of two times a day.

Dr. Allen Nazeri a coveted name in the sphere of dental surgery has put in tremendous efforts towards spreading the importance of dental care and hygiene, among children as well as grownups. Perhaps the most important aspect in dental care is to never avoid or overlook even the simplest pains or wounds inside the oral cavity. One may never be sure what it could turn out to be unless checked by an expert eye, like that of Dr. Allen Nazeri DDS.
Dr. Allen Nazeri dds

Under his supervision and care, you will not just have the best possible care for your dental problems but learn in abundance about how to maintain healthy and white teeth for a long time. The sooner to undertake your own personalized dental care program the better, however, it is imperative to visit your dentist on regular intervals. Dr. Allen Nazeri brings you expertise and care in a host of different dental care problems from receding gums, dental implants, smile reconstruction, chipped teeth, dental fillings, root canal treatment and more.

So, what are you waiting for, put all your concerns aside coming to an all-in dental care expert called, Allen Nazeri.     

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Thursday 24 April 2014

How to Maintain Those Naturally Pearl-Like Teeth- Tips From Dr. Allen Nazeri DDS

A dental care specialist will have a host of simple and basic steps on how to maintain what has been naturally gifted by God, your pearly white teeth that are prone to decaying over a period of time. A renowned and qualified name in the field of dental surgery is that of Allen Nazeri. A Doctor of Dental Surgery, Dr Nazeri has hosted severed oral care conferences where he enlightens patients as well as alleviates misconceptions held in a common man’s mind on how to sustain the whiteness of teeth.

Teeth are, by nature, naturally completely white. However, one may always feel that teeth showcase a certain hint of yellowness from the very beginning. Change being the most important fact of life, doesn’t spare something as simple as teeth as well. With age, our teeth are prone to darkening or showing signs of yellow hues as well. In biological terms, this is owing to the surface enamel which erodes and crack, revealing the dentine. A calcified tissue in the human oral cavity, the dentine, being permeable, easily absorbs food colors therefore, the gradual discoloration occurs. This pigmentation or stains can easily latch onto plaque, as a result building up of tartar on the dentures.
Dr. Allen Nazeri DDS-

Tooth decay, being the most common forms of teeth related issues, Dr. Allen Nazeri DDS, works towards enlightening the common people with simple yet effective ways to take care of your teeth. Firstly, rinsing or washing teeth with hydrogen peroxide everyday may be done by a lot of people to avoid discoloration on teeth. However, clearing out the clouds of misconceptions, Dr. Nazeri says that overuse of this substance is most likely to push individuals towards tissue hyperplasias, which increasing likelihood of cancer if applied for more than five days continuously.

Another misconception is of rubbing lemon juice to sustain the white-quality of teeth for a long time. Lemon, being a natural bleach and whitener is generally considered among the best substances to remove stains. However, teeth are in calcified form, and with excessive exposure to Vitamin C rich substance may reduce the content of calcium, as a result damaging it at a higher speed. Furthermore, application of salt and baking soda is also considered to be a useful trick in keeping teeth white for a long time. However, again an overdose of salt is likely to corrode the enamel, which has a potential to cause a greater damage than simply yellow teeth. Dr. Alireza Nazeri will suggest limiting the use of this substance as much possible, for perhaps one every two weeks.

There are more suggestions as well as misconceptions on the list, to know more don’t hesitate to consult the oral health specialist directly. 

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Thursday 17 April 2014

Dr. Allen Nazeri DDS- Bringing Revolution alongside his team of trusted Dental Care Specialist

A regarded name in the field of dental care is Dr. Allen Nazeri DDS, a Doctor of Dental Surgery, has made a successful reputation over the years practicing and imparting oral care training. Counted among the famous dentists across the world, Dr. Nazeri made several contributions in specialized field of cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry.

His career can be traced back to his graduation days at the Boyne School of Dental Surgery at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. After completing his graduation, he ventured in better opportunities at the world renowned Misch Implant Institute. Here he underwent 2500 hours of post graduate training under Dr. Carl Misch.

Then, Dr. Nazeri after completing requisite training and acquiring higher knowledge went on to establish his own dental clinic centre which is called Cornerstone Dentistry. His innovative venture is today counted among leading five star dental groups at Palm Dessert in Canada. Aside from practice, Dr. Allen Nazeri has also tried his hand at teaching.

Served as a clinical faculty at UCLA and USC dentist training schools, he imparted training in progressive branches like restorative dentistry to numerous students. Moreover, he is gives lectures on cosmetic dentistry and practice management as well. His dedication paved way for tremendous contribution in the field of dentistry has garnered ample attention from the media and he has received accolades, which include him being showcased on the cover of pioneering dental care magazine called Dental Town.

He, along with Dr. Alireza Nazeri has received numerous rewards and accolades have successfully managed to substantiate his importance in the field of dental surgery. Furthermore, Dr. Nazeri continues to stay on the circuit with educational dental seminars and conferences every now and then.     

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Friday 4 April 2014

Leave All Concerns and Inhibitions behind You – Consult Dr. Allen Nazeri

Whenever you have a sudden pain in your gums or teeth, do you tend to ignore it or do you search the best dentist in the Yellow pages? Teeth are perhaps the most important part of your personality, capable of creating that very first impression on the person you meet in an interview for a job. It is rightly said that a smile can go a long way. Therefore, you should maintain the health of your gums and teeth.
Allen Nazeri

 For doing so, the most important thing is to make regular appointments with your dentists. In case you don’t have one, choose Dr. Allen Nazeri DDS. A Doctor in Dental Surgery, Allen Nazeri has built a regarded name for himself today. His, specialty being cosmetic dentistry and smile reconstruction, he is responsible for complete smile rehabilitation of numerous satisfied patients. Besides his practice, he has also been around the block teaching budding practitioners of tomorrow at reputed training schools for dentists and oral care practitioners.

 Dr. Allen Nazeri DDS has even held several workshops and seminar where he has emphasized on the importance on taking proper care of your teeth. So if you are boggled with a raging concern of tooth pain or bleeding gums, you won’t have to look beyond the name of Dr. Allen Nazeri. His possess craft and skill like no other. Running among the most popular dental clinic, Dr. Allen Yekta Nazeri along with this team offer the best dental care from dental fillings to complete smile restoration.

Quit worrying about oral care, seek professional care.    

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